“Supporting Revive is another way you stand with those on the margins of society, those who are displaced and seeking sanctuary.”
Revive is an independent local charity which is dependent upon the support of the community.
Many ways to give to our work
Reaching out a hand when someone is in need is one of the best gifts anyone could ever give
Please click on the button below to make a donation to meet the material needs of the people we serve.
will provide someone with some emergency provisions for a day.
will pay for a day bus pass/ lunch for 4 persons (refugees who are giving back to the community as volunteers).
will provide an interpreting service for an asylum or refugee advice/ support session.
will contribute to an educational grant for 2 persons (towards the course fees or resources).
On-line: make a gift via the Donate icon above
By post: please make Cheques payable to REVIVE and send to: Revive, 187 Grey Mare Lane, Beswick, Manchester. M11 3ND
Contact us for a Standing Order or Gift Aid form for regular giving.
Become A Friend
Becoming a Friend of Revive involves financially committing to donate a regular amount each month (usually via standing order). It also means having a direct influence on people's lives.
These regular donations enable us to provide emergency provisions, interpreting services, bus fares and support to many in the asylum and refugee community who are at risk of destitution and loneliness.
It may amaze you to know that even just a pound a month can make a difference.
The commitment of donating a regular amount every month gives us the security to plan for the future with more certainty, especially as the number of people seeking asylum and refugees on our door steps continue to increase.
Like many others,
You decide how much you give, but it is worth noting that:
could buy you a coffee and a sandwich at your favourite coffee shop OR it could provide a refugee or asylum seek who is destitute with some emergency provisions for a day.
could buy you cinema tickets for two and a tub of popcorn OR it could provide an interpreting service for an asylum or refugee advice/ support session.
could buy you a three course meal in a nice restaurant OR it could provide someone one of our enrichment courses, like the Well-being or Employability course, for a month, which helps the individual’s integration process.
You can sign up
to be a Friend of Revive On-line: make a gift through Just Giving
As a supporter, you will automatically receive two newsletters or e-news and an annual report per year. If you have shared your email address with us Revive will not share or sell your information to any third parties.
Give Items on Our Needs List
The community, schools and Parishes have showed us amazingly generosity over the past couple of months.
However, we still need:
Please call 0161 223 5668 or email if you would like further information about donating items.
Dried & Tinned food
Rice, Pasta, Noodles
Tinned Tomatoes, Beans, Tuna & Canned Beef
Household items, Furniture, Prams
Computers, Laptops, etc.
Charity Gifts
Many ask that their special events’ presents should be given over to their named charity. Why not name Revive as the recipient of your Charity Gift?
There are many options (as seen above) for Charity Gifts which help support people seeking asylum and refugees and reduce their risk of destitution and loneliness.
Leave a Legacy
A gift in your will to Revive will help us to sustain and develop our many services and projects for refugees and people seeking asylum.
We are refusing to give up on those in crisis, please consider leaving a gift to help some of the most vulnerable in our community. Making a will, or adding a codicil (an additional instruction), is quite straightforward.
You do not have to be wealthy to leave a lasting legacy.
Every gift to Revive – however large or small – will help bring hope to those who have been forced out of their country and now seeking sanctuary “at our door steps.”
It may help to speak to a solicitor to ensure that your will is legally correct and that your wishes are clear.
The following links may be found helpful - Making a Will (The Law Society) and How to leave a gift to charity (Remember a charity).
For more information, call us on: 0161 223 5668
Thank you for choosing to help Revive support refugees and people seeking asylum on their journey of recovery. Our services are free of charge.
Thank you for helping Revive reduce their risk of destitution and loneliness.