
Revive Action Group

This is our refugee led project with the aim of raising awareness and campaigning on issues impacting refugees and people seeking asylum in the UK.


The objectives of the group include the determination:
  • To have a voice.
  • To set up and join campaigns.
  • To raise awareness at conferences, schools, colleges, services.
  • To form a group that support’s one another.
  • To make friends and learn new skills in campaigning i.e. networking, partnership working, lobbying, fundraising.
The groups has made phenomenal success in the local community with their campaigns to bring about changes to services and policies affecting the asylum and refugee community.
The groups has, among other things, focused on the topic of destitution of people seeking asylum, challenging the negative stigma often attached to those who are seeking sanctuary. They create awareness, edutainment through the use of drama, song, poem as a tool in reaching out to different audiences.
They contributed to policy development, participated in a regional study on poverty and its impact on asylum seekers and refugees called the Greater Manchester Poverty Commission.
If you would like to join us, please contact Revive.

Refugee 25


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